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The Gauteng Partnership Fund
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The Gauteng Partnership Fund The GPF is an agency of the Gauteng Department of Human Settlements (GDHS) and accountable to its Member of Executive Council (MEC) Discover More The Gauteng Partnership Fund The core mandate of GPF is: “To serve as the Gauteng Department of Human
Settlements’ capital raising and implementing agent for identified Mega Projects in the Gauteng Province”.
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The mandate of GPF is “to serve as the funding and implementing agent for integrated, sustainable human settlement developments in the Gauteng City Region and custodian of strategic provincial land and/or property transferred to GPF for effective immovable asset management and coordinated, efficient implementation of mega human settlement developments”.

Our aim is to enhance the socioeconomic state of Gauteng communities.

We Offer the following products:

The Entrepreneur Empowerment Property Fund

The Entrepreneur Empowerment Property Fund (EEPF) is a programme designed to promote participation of previously disadvantaged owned companies in the affordable rental property market.

Who Qualifies

Companies with HDI 100% shareholding, HDI women and youth owned applicants are encouraged

  • A potential project that can yield a minimum of 15 affordable housing units in Gauteng;
  • Equity contribution of minimum 3% of total project cost;
  • At least 75% of professionals and contractors must have majority HDI shareholding;
  • Applicants who are first time property entrepreneurs are encouraged;
  • First time property developers will be limited to a project with the maximum total project cost of R20 million;
  • A project that is ready for implementation from a town planning perspective
Use of public sector funding to leverage additional funding and facilitate capital flows into integrated, sustainable human settlements through the formation of strategic partnerships with local and international donors, development finance institutions and private sector partners.
Through the development of bankable feasibility studies and innovative funding interventions as a mechanism to entice capital market investment.
Through an equitable risk sharing model. Serving as a catalyst to ensure that other funding sources are enticed to participate in funding of projects.
To provide an oversight and monitoring role for mega projects. This is to ensure delivery of housing units in an integrated approach.
To maintain, secure, develop and leverage the value of the land/property to unlock funding for development.

The Gauteng Partnership Fund

The Gauteng Partnership Fund, an agency of the Gauteng Department of Human Settlements, combines resources from the private and public sectors to speed up the development of affordable rental housing near amenities and economic opportunities. Its aim is to enhance the socioeconomic state of Gauteng communities.


2022/23 Annual Report Video

CEO of the GPF, Lindiwe Kwele, Featured in the Real Estate Investor Magazine



Total People housed
through our projects
0 K
0 +
Project Funding
0 M+
0 M+

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“A partner of choice catalysing the funding and development of integrated and sustainable human settlements in Gauteng.”

Lindiwe Kwele – Information Officer
Thandiwe Kuzwayo – Deputy Information Officer


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