Our Products

Product Offerings

On a project-by-project basis, the GPF will assist affordable rental housing developers by providing finance to promote affordable, quality accommodation that is well managed for the target market, these are households earning gross monthly income of between of R3500 and R20 000. The maximum rentals charged should be up to 35% of the affordable housing income bracket (depending on the project location).

The GPF seeks to continually develop products aimed at addressing housing market funding challenges. GPF products are reviewed annually to determine their effectiveness.

We Offer the following products:

Our Extended Services

Capital Raising

Use of public sector funding to leverage additional funding and facilitate capital flows into integrated, sustainable human settlements through the formation of strategic partnerships with local and international donors, development finance institutions and private sector partners.

Project Implementation

To provide an oversight and monitoring role for mega projects. This is to ensure delivery of housing units in an integrated approach.

Property Development

To maintain, secure, develop and leverage the value of the land/property to unlock funding for development.

Project Preparation

Through the development of bankable feasibility studies and innovative funding interventions as a mechanism to entice capital market investment.

Project Financing

Through an equitable risk sharing model. Serving as a catalyst to ensure that other funding sources are enticed to participate in funding of projects.

“A partner of choice catalysing the funding and development of integrated and sustainable human settlements in Gauteng.”

Lindiwe Kwele – Information Officer
Thandiwe Kuzwayo – Deputy Information Officer


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