Maseapo Kganedi

Maseapo is an admitted Advocate of the High Court of South Africa and a legal and governance practitioner. She has over 20 years work experience in both private and public sector. She has a strong public-sector experience, having worked in senior management positions in various government departments, both provincial and national departments.

Throughout her career, she has developed and conducted training for government and the industry in areas of corporate governance, board effectiveness, effectiveness of company secretaries, legal and compliance, as well as contract management. She has advised on listing of public entities and has drafted governance documents such as enabling legislation, governance protocols as well as board and committee charters.

Maseapo has also worked as a legal adviser and company secretary for one of the largest pension funds in the Southern Africa. She sits on various boards of public entities as a member and is also a member of the Institute of Directors Southern Africa (IoDSA).

“A partner of choice catalysing the funding and development of integrated and sustainable human settlements in Gauteng.”

Lindiwe Kwele – Information Officer
Thandiwe Kuzwayo – Deputy Information Officer


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