Leon G. Marincowitz

Having read for Philosophy at the University of Pretoria in 2008 and subsequently obtained an MPhil Philosophy from the University of Johannesburg. He served as a non-executive director on the inaugural Gauteng Youth Commission and currently serves on the boards of the Gauteng Enterprise Propeller and the Gauteng Gambling Board.

Other experience within the NGO sector includes strategic programme development, project management and coordination, policy advocacy, fundraising and media liaison. Among the notable projects he led were devoted to civil liberties, energy policy and land reform. He has also travelled throughout Africa to advocate for peace and reconciliation work.

Leon G. Marincowitz has published academic papers in the fields of philosophy, political studies and conflict resolution and has delivered lectures and presentations at international conferences in South Africa and Europe.

“A partner of choice catalysing the funding and development of integrated and sustainable human settlements in Gauteng.”

Lindiwe Kwele – Information Officer
Thandiwe Kuzwayo – Deputy Information Officer


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